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Star of the Sea School’s mathematics curriculum encompasses a broad and in-depth study.  Our textbooks are up to date and in accordance with the National Council of Mathematics Teachers standards.  Each classroom has the use of math manipulatives.  The teachers are using a problem solving series in addition to the textbook that has for many students increased their comprehension skills.

In alignment with the National Council of Mathematics Teachers’ standards, mathematical concepts are taught for understanding through the use of the manipulative.  Manipulatives are used as a tool to help the students internalize the concepts.

Problem solving exercises are emphasized in our classes.  Children are engaged in using problem solving strategies to solve non-routine problems throughout their elementary curriculum.  The problem solving exercises strengthen their thinking skills in all areas of study.

The teachers use a variety of instructional methods in teaching mathematics.  Depending on the activity, students work in various sized groups throughout the period.  Students are expected to be able to communicate by verbalizing and writing their mathematical ideas.

The students use manipulatives when concepts are introduced.  Students are able to use the manipulatives to help visualize the idea being presented.  We see the need to use concrete representations to aid the children in seeing in their mind’s eye the mathematical concepts.

Integration of mathematics is widespread in all subject areas but especially in literature and science.  Children learn to use their mathematical skills in real life applications.

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